June is Youth Employment Month in Michigan

LANSING, Mich. (WILX) – Teenagers across the state are preparing to join the workforce for the summer.

Governor Gretchen Whitmer proclaimed June as Youth Employment Month in Michigan. Young people aged 16 to 19 have the opportunity to gain valuable work experience along with some money.

Many districts are officially out for the summer, and this time may look different for teens, whether it’s summer camp, summer school, or for the first time, a summer job. What better way to learn accountability and responsibility while making money? Experts say the job market is looking good for teenagers looking to earn some summer pocket money.

During Youth Employment Month, Governor Whitmer is encouraging employers across the state to help young people by providing job opportunities that are meaningful, worthwhile and safe. The Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity or LEO has resources for job seekers under the age of 18. Along with partnering with local businesses and Michigan Works! to share opportunities. Sean Egan, Deputy Director of Labor at LEO says there are several for teenagers in the state.

June is really where we see the big push of young people entering the workforce across the state of Michigan. In all the different varieties, then, where we see young people working quite often, not surprisingly, is retail. Sure, your local pizza shop, your sub, your McDonalds. Of course, you can go into certain employment in agriculture, golf courses employ a lot of young workers, so there are some pretty cool jobs. “Because you’re outside all the time, so there’s a lot of opportunity for young people all over the state of Michigan,” Egan said.

LEO says recreation and tourism are also good options for teenagers. Additionally, summer work experience not only helps youth gain skills for future success. It also helps Michigan businesses meet their seasonal talent needs

According to the Michigan Department of Technology, Management and Budget. Nearly 250,000 Michigan teenagers are expected to be looking for work this summer. We reported in April that over 230,000 teenagers were predicted in 2023, a higher number this year.

However, the state says Michigan reached its peak in 2008 when over 610,000 students were projected.

Pure Michigan Talent Connect: https://www.mitalent.org/

LEO – Youth employment: LEO – Youth Employment (michigan.gov)

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Image Source : www.wilx.com

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